Pick Your Favorite Character from These TV Shows and We’ll Guess Your Age

Your binge-watching habits are surprisingly revealing.

Pick Character from TV Shows & We'll Guess Your Age Quiz

In the world of television, we depend on our favorite characters to keep us hooked on a show, especially during the times when the storyline isn't keeping us interested. Not only must the actors be funny or charismatic, the creative forces behind the shows have to give them compelling storylines to hold our attention so that we will tune in to every episode.

Unlike movies where we focus on the protagonist for two hours, we follow the lives of television characters for as long as they're on air, which keeps us invested in that character. Which characters have kept you interested for that long? Is it Ross and Rachel's "will they or won't they" relationship throughout the ten years of Friends? What about Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory? He is arguably the star of the show, with his own spin-off even as the main show is still releasing new episodes!

In this quiz, choose your favorite character in each of these 15 popular classic and modern TV shows. If your favorite isn't on the list, or if you haven't seen the show before, simply pick 'none'. Depending on your choices, we can guess how old you are!

Quiz Playlist

Can We Guess? Quizzes
  1. I Bet I Can Guess Your Age Based on Your Choices in These Sub-Food Categories
  2. 🍔 Tell Us What You Think of These Burger Toppings and We’ll Guess How Old You Are
  3. Can We Guess Your Age Based on This List of Tasks?
  4. Can We Accurately Guess Your Height With These Random Questions?
  5. 🌞 Design Your Dream Bedroom and We’ll Guess If You’re a Morning or Night Person 🌚
  6. 🐱 Build a Cat and We’ll Guess What You Look Like
  7. 🍕 What’s Your Age Based on Your Comfort Food Choices? 🍰
  8. Can We Guess Your Zodiac Sign Based on Your Taste in Food?
  9. 🥐 Can We Guess Your Age and Gender Based on the Pastries You’ve Eaten?
  10. 🥤 Pick Your Favorite Fast Food Drinks and We’ll Guess Your Exact Age
  11. 🛒 Shop at Walmart and We’ll Guess Your Exact Age
  12. Can We Guess the First Letter of Your Soulmate’s Name Based on Your Relationship History?
  13. Eat Your Way Through Disney Parks and We’ll Guess How Old You Are
  14. ❤ Can We Correctly Guess Your Relationship Status?
  15. 🍂 Eat a Feast of Fall Foods and We Will Guess What You Truly Look Like With the Magic of AI 🍁
  16. 🥯 We’re Pretty Sure We Know Your Birth Month Based on the Breakfast Foods You Choose
  17. Eat Your Way Around the World and We’ll Figure Out What Your Age Is
  18. Can We Guess Your Age Based on the Life Skills You Have?
  19. 🍰 Plan an Afternoon Tea Party and We’ll Guess Which Decade You Were Born
  20. Believe It or Not, Everyone’s Food Choices Are So Telling That We Can Guess Your Generation
  21. 🎂 Bake a Cake and We’ll Guess the Month You Were Born
  22. 🍴 Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Food Preferences?
  23. 🍔 Build a Luxury Burger and We’ll Guess How Old You Are With 100% Accuracy
  24. 👗 Design Your Prom Outfit and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height
  25. 🥔 Can We Guess Your Generation Based on the Different Ways You’ve Eaten Potatoes?
  26. 🍳 Cook Scrambled Eggs and We’ll Accurately Guess Your Age and Gender
  27. Create a Sim for Yourself and We’ll Guess How Old You Really Are
  28. Can We Guess Which Three Foods You Hate the Most?
  29. Rate the Most Attractive AI-Created Man in Every Country and We’ll Guess Your Nationality
  30. Decide If These Male Celebs Are Hot or Not and We’ll Use AI to Figure Out Your 👫🏻 Relationship Status


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Pick Character from TV Shows & We'll Guess Your Age Quiz Questions