How do your grandchildren typically react when they see you?
By what name do your grandchildren address you as?
None of these
Nana or Maw-Maw, Papa or Paw-Paw
Granny or Grammy, Gramps or Grampy
Grandpa or Grandma
Do you have contact with your grandchildren's other grandparents?
What best describes the type of gifts you purchase for your grandchildren?
I get them whatever they want no matter the cost
I ask their parents what I should purchase
I pick something out for them I think they will like
I don't purchase my grandchildren gifts
How do you decide what to do when your grandchildren come over for a visit.
I ask their parents what I should do with my grandchildren that day
I ask them what they want to do
I don't spend time with my grandchildren
I pick out something I think will be fun for us
How technically savvy are you with things such as FaceTime and social media?
Fairly savvy
Very savvy
Somewhat savvy
Not savvy at all
Do your children ever complain that you are "spoiling" your grandchildren?
All the time
Do you have a favorite grandchild?
I don't like some of my grandchildren
No, I love them all equally
I have some grandchildren I like more than others
How often do you babysit your grandchildren?
All the time
Do your children ever complain that you are feeding your grandchildren too many sweets and desserts?
All the time
How often do you give your grandchildren "constructive criticism"?
Do you ever discipline your grandchildren?
Yes, whenever they do something wrong
Only if they do something particularly wrong
Only if their parents say I should
No, never
How often do you tell your grandchildren stories about how things were when you were their age?
Do you keep photo albums of your grandchildren as they grow up?
Do you know what all your grandchildren's favorite foods are?
Yes, I know all their favorite foods
I know some of my grandchildren's favorite foods but not all
I try to get my grandchildren to experience different kinds of foods
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