We Can Tell the Year You Were Born by the 🍰 Cake You Bake

Tell me you're a boomer, without telling me you're a boomer.

We Can Tell the Year You Were Born by the Cake You Bake Quiz

Cake is delicious. While different generations will have different cake preferences and standards, they all love cake. There is not much society is able to agree upon, but one thing we all have in common is that we all love cake. The types of cake we enjoy might differ a little, but in the end, it’s all just cake!

This might sound a little strange but we can guess when you entered this world based on the type of cake you bake. There are actually little clues about your personality and time period you grew up in that we can find hidden in your answers that will tell us roughly how old you are. Cake preferences and standards change with every generation and we can tell what age cohort you are in based on what types of cake you prefer.

If you would like us to guess your age then take this quiz, give us your honest cake preferences and we will guess the year you were born.

Quiz Playlist

Cake Quizzes
  1. The Ultimate Cake Quiz! 🍰 Can You Prove You’re the Cake Trivia Boss?
  2. Pie Cake Quiz
  3. What Cake Matches Your Vibe? Quiz
  4. We’ll Give You a Trendy Career to Pursue Based on All the 🍰 Cakes You Like
  5. We Can Tell the Year You Were Born by the 🍰 Cake You Bake
  6. We Know Which Cake Represents Your Personality by Baker… Quiz
  7. 🍰 We’re Pretty Sure We Know Your Birth Month Based on the Cakes You’ve Eaten
  8. Do You Actually Prefer Ice Cream 🍦 or Cake 🍰?
  9. 🍰 If You’ve Eaten 18/22 of These Things, You’re Obsessed With Cakes
  10. 🍰 This “Would You Rather” Cake Test Will Reveal Your Most Attractive Quality
  11. 🍰 Rate Some Cakes and We’ll Guess How Old You Are
  12. 🍰 Pick Some Cakes, And We’ll Reveal Your Guiltiest Pleasure
  13. 🍰 We Know Whether You’re an Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert Based on Your Cake Opinions
  14. πŸŽ‚ Make Yourself a Birthday Cake β€” It Will Help Us Guess the Season You Were Born
  15. What Cake Are You? Quiz
  16. Rate These Wedding Cakes and We’ll Reveal What Your Next Boyfriend Will Be Like
  17. Cupcakes And Disney Princesses Quiz
  18. 🍰 You Can Eat Cake Only If You Get More Than 8/15 on This Quiz
  19. πŸ’ We Know What Your Engagement Ring Will Look Like Based on the Wedding Cake You Design
  20. 🍰 Do You Actually Prefer Cake or Pie? πŸ₯§
  21. πŸŽ‚ Bake a Cake and We’ll Guess the Month You Were Born
  22. Order a Giant Meal from the Cheesecake Factory and We’ll Reveal How Old You REALLY Act
  23. 🧁 Build Some Lovely Cupcakes in 5 Steps to Find Out What People Love Most About You
  24. Bake Yourself a πŸŽ‚ Birthday Cake and We’ll Tell You What Age You Will Live to
  25. 🍰 Only a Dessert Expert Can Name 12/15 of These Cakes


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We Can Tell the Year You Were Born by the Cake You Bake Quiz Questions