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Curtis CalvareseOffline

  • OHIO

100 % ( 24 out of 24 ) Instead of giving me a survey, I was hoping for a Quiz ? sure I will answer yes to all my favorites, now what ?

85 % ( 17 out of 20 )

93 % ( 14 out of 15 )

100 % ( 15 out of 15 )

they said: "I'm 68" ( going on 64 in March." ) don't tell anyone. It's a secret

90 % ( 20 out of 22 )

I'll still try & push through. even though the Adds even go so far as to even block the entire page. I'll Keep pushing..

100 % ( 15 out of 15 )

100 % ( 15 out of 15 ) you can tell by the clothes they wear.

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