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Outgoing. Totally, completely, utterly WRONG! I am an introvert, agoraphobic, asocial and misanthropic. I actually don't like people at all.

Leo.Wrong as usual, friends. Aries.

Not a parent.True. I decided at the age of 8 I wasn't having any.

56 year old male. When WILL you get it right! 65 year old female.

31%. Totally wrong about me not eating healthy organic food if I had the choice though. Vegetarian since 1996 and vegan since 2017.

June. To paraphrase Phil Collins, you missed again! April.

'Shy'. Absolutely correct. Extreme introvert and asocial to the point of misanthropy.

Between 40 and 46. Wrong as usual. Try between 60 and 66.

Vampire. Fairly accurate.

Shrewd opportunist. I'll go with that.

Goth. I'll go with that as I don't flow with the mainstream but do my own thing.

20s or 30s. Totally wrong as usual. Mid 60s.

25 years old, pro gamer. Wrong. 65 and I hate gaming. Would love to be a record producer.

75% I don't think so. I hate people.

'Social recluse'. You got it right for once! I am actually a misanthrope.

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