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  • Australia
  • Mark-Morrall

Going on a shopping spree, True, until you come to the checkout, then you`re sad, after you see the bill because you have to pay for it all. lol

6 / 15 - 40% ,I can`t eat steak that`s good, because I don`t like steak much any way,

Casually Dating, So Wrong, I`m not even in a relationship & I haven`t even been dating anyone for a long time.

10 / 14 - 71%- I haven`t heard most of them, I only knew a couple of them. I do like country music.

9 / 16 - 56% They were all guesses except 1, some shows I haven`t watched.

12 / 15 - 80% You wouldn`t know it, but I`m a big fan of John Wayne & Clint Eastwood. I love their movies, but I haven`t watched any recently.

Ice Cream Daredevil, I haven`t tried any of them, but I would give it a go, because I love ice-cream.

46 Wrong Add another 18 years on that.

I`m Senior Citizen, I`m 64 years old & my music ranges from the 50`s to the 80`s, I also like Madonna,

Chocolate, I like chocolate & cheese equally, but some of them you shown would make me vomit. You should have None for a choice.

9 - 15 - 60% I do hate people saying Me & Joe instead of Joe & I, you hear it everywhere on the street, TV & movies. I might be old fashion, but I get so wild when I do hear it.

19 / 22 - 86% i`ve eaten most of them, & I do cook with different type of vegies.

9 / 15 - 60% I`ve only seen Naked City that was back in the 90`s when I got Pay TV & the rest were guesses. They should show them now, instead of all the reality crap they show.

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