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  • South Africa
  • Damian-Raghoonanan

You got 0 out of 50! Haven't been to AmericaDon't worry, there's always time for more adventures! You may not have visited many US states, but there's a whole country waiting for you to explore. Start planning your next trip and get ready for an amazing journey!

You got 10 out of 15! You passed! Great job! Keep going until you become a trivia genius, okay?

You got 18 out of 20! last 2 got meYou absolutely crushed this quiz! You're a geographical buff, probably own a globe at home, and enjoy learning about new cultures. Toot your own horn sweetie, you deserve it!

You got 23 out of 24! Huckleberry hound got meCongratulations! You're a true cartoon dog aficionado! Your knowledge of fictional dogs is unparalleled, and you've proven yourself to be a top-tier canine connoisseur. Share your score proudly, for you've earned the title of Ultimate Cartoon Dog Quiz Champion!

You got 5 out of 14!You didn't make it to the bonus round but at least you got to meet Pat Sajak and Vanna White!

You got 14 out of 14!Great work! You’re an expert on car brand logos! You managed to spot several (or all) of these car logos - We are guessing that you must be a car fanatic if not, do you own a car dealership? Cheers on the great work!

You got 11 out of 20!You did much better than most others did for this quiz, but you still have plenty to work on. You can take the quiz again if you want, but that's up to you!

You got 19 out of 24!Your performance was amazing. Nearly everybody else who took this quiz failed β€” but not you! You're a GENIUS! Give yourself a pat on the back. You've earned it!

im born is 2001 i will take me getting 21 out of 45!You didn't do so hot, but that's okay. Maybe you're too young to be able to recognize most of these famous people.

You got 28 out of 28! if it wasn't for me having a sister I wouldn't have watched the tinker bell movies but having a sister led to me watching every single movie on this listWe're going to take a wild guess and say your all time favorite...

You got 18 out of 18!You are the Disney Food Connoisseur! You're so knowledgeable that you could teach at a Disney culinary school, seriously. Just be sure to keep up with the latest movies! Great work!

You got 15 out of 15!the blonde ones were challenging but I got themGreat work! You must have a superb memory and great eye for detail! It is one thing to remember the characters' names and another to recognise them just by their hair.

You got 30 out of 30! Loved this quiz so coolYou are the Disney Scholar! You know every Disney character ever created. You love Disney movies, and you feel deep emotional connections to your favorites. You're practically Walt Disney yourself.

You got 17 out of 20!Congratulations, you're a spelling champion! You clearly have a great command of the English language and should continue to challenge yourself with new vocabulary and spelling rules.

You got 8 out of 15!Paws-up! While many people can identify a TV show from its main characters, you can do the same from its dog! That's really awesome!

You got: Bunny! i do love carrotsBased on your answers, you were likely a bunny in a previous life. Sounds fun!

You got 10 out of 16!From Schindler's List to Titantic, you sure know your Oscar winning movies! They just don’t make movies like these anymore do they? We had so many movies to choose from it was nearly impossible to pick, and this quiz probably took us longer to...

You got 13 out of 15! born in 2001 I will take it. i never watched forest gump and I forgot the looney tune team nameYou passed! Great job! Any chance you're a millennial? You certainly know a lot about the nineties!

You got 11 out of 22!Your October knowledge is growing like a pumpkin in a patch. Your passion for learning shines as bright as the hunter's moon! You've got a good foundation of fall facts and are well on your way to becoming an October oracle.

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