Unfortunately, Most People Will Struggle to Locate These Countries — Can You Get 17/25?

Do you actually know your way around the world?

Most People Will Struggle To Locate 25 Countries Quiz

While most people can identify some of the largest, richest, most populous countries in the world, few can actually name all the 193 countries that are recognized by the United Nations. Chances are you probably haven't even heard of many of them.

These countries are on various continents, and some can be pretty isolated from the rest of the world. A few of them have some very interesting names and are rather obscure, because they generally just keep to themselves.

Whether you consider yourself a world geography nerd or you simply like to learn more about all the countries that are out there, this quiz is definitely for you. Challenge yourself with this stellar world geography quiz to see how much you really know of the world outside of your own. We're going to take you around the world and point at some really interesting countries. See if you are able to match them to their correct continent.

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Most People Will Struggle To Locate 25 Countries Quiz Questions