Which country do the famous Galapagos Islands belong to?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
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What is a doctor who specializes in cancer called?
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Terrific! 🥳
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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Who was the 5th president of the United States?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
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"Groundhog Day" in the United States and Canada occurs on what day of the year?
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That's great!
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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What famous Soviet leader died in 1953?
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Good job!
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
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What is the longest river in Europe?
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Good job!
Doh! 🤬
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What is the Hawaiian word used to express gratitude?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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From what country did the United States purchase Alaska in 1867?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
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What is considered the deadliest hurricane in US history?
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Cool! 👍
Doh! 🤬
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The planet Mars is named after a Roman God. What is Mars the Roman God of?
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Impressive! 👍
Doh! 🤬
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In what military conflict were tanks used for the first time in battle?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
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What element is added to sodium to make table salt?
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Good job!
That was incorrect.
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What is the capital city of the Czech Republic?
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Not quite right. 😢
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Who wrote the novel "Jurassic Park" that later spawned the successful film franchise?
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Perfect! 👊
Not quite.
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What group of people were awarded the "Time Person of the Year" award in 2014?
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You've nailed it!
Not quite.
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