Can You Name the TV Show Based on the Names of Three Random Characters?

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You got 9 out of 19! Can You Name the TV Show Based on the Names of Three Random Characters?

You didn't do too well in this quiz, probably because you don't know the names of characters on these shows. That's a good reason to start watching them!

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For many of us, watching television shows have become a big part of our lives. We get invested in these programmes, the mystery, drama, and fictional lifestyles of the characters. Our favorite characters can influence our wardrobe choices, makeup styles and even use of vocabulary. Some parents become so infatuated with certain characters that they choose to name their own kids based on their names!

That's right, many baby names today have been inspired by popular and unique television personalities and roles. In the comedy The Good Place, Tahani is a deceased, wealthy philanthropist. The character has found new life in a lot of babies with the same name. Another name inspired by a TV character is Ziggy, the child character in Big Little Lies.

In this quiz, we'll give you the names of three different characters from the same show. All you have to do is pick the correct TV show out of 4 options, easy!

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