🍿 Can You Unscramble These Movie Anagrams?

You got 3 out of 16!


You got 3 out of 16! 🍿 Can You Unscramble These Movie Anagrams?

Uh-oh! You did not do so well on this quiz but that's okay. It is one thing to pass a regular anagram quiz but a different ball game altogether to decipher these tough movie anagrams, so it is perfectly normal to miss a few questions.Share your results with your friends and see how well they can do!

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Consider yourself somewhat of a movie expert and word fan? In each of the questions in this quiz, we've re-arranged the letters of a movie title to create a new phrase. Can you unscramble the following anagrams to find the names of the famous movies?

Try to figure out what each of these anagrammed movie titles is and type the correct answers into the box. There are hints provided at the bottom of each question. If you are still stuck, you can always click the "I give up" button to reveal the correct answer and move on to the next question.

Ready? Grab a bowl of popcorn, and get ready to work those brain cells!

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