If You Do 9/17 of These Things, You’re Officially High Maintenance

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If You Do 9 of These Things, You're High Maintenance Quiz

What makes a woman high maintenance? Some people are naturally more high maintenance than others. They enjoy the finer things in life, and put a lot of attention and effort into looking their best. A woman like this knows what she wants in life and isn't afraid to work hard at it. On the other end of the spectrum, some people don't spend too much time on their appearance and generally seem more laid-back when it comes to their looks and preferences.

Women who are high maintenance have been said to be unapproachable because others may think they look too good for everyone else. Low maintenance women seem friendly due to their casual nature. Do you agree with these stereotypes? We think no! Some people just like pampering themselves more than others. In many ways, high maintenance is subjective. It's all down to personal preference!

Be honest while going through this quiz. Choose yes or no to whether you do the following things. If you do the majority of them, then you're considered high maintenance. If not, you're a pretty chill person who is low maintenance!

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If You Do 9 of These Things, You're High Maintenance Quiz Questions