We Know Whether You’re an Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert Based on Your Taste in Food

You got: Introvert!

You got: Introvert! We Know Whether You’re an Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert Based on Your Taste in Food

You tend to be introspective and keep to yourself most of the time. Being in social situations saps your energy and you try your best to get out of them.

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You might be wondering, "What do these things have to do with each other?" Since all eating decisions are made between our ears, and not everyone's brain responds the same way to food, it seems entirely possible that there is a link between personality and food.

If you are an introvert, you may have already noticed that you have unique dietary needs. For example, you may be more sensitive to stimulants, such as coffee, alcoholic drinks, and sugar, and find that these foods make a big impact on your energy levels. Extroverts have a preference for immediate rewards and may behave more impulsively. Consequently they have stronger reward responses to palatable snacks and this makes it more difficult to resist them.

Find out for sure if you're an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between by taking this food test. Pick some of the dishes you fancy most and your tastebuds will hold the answer.

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