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  • Wisconsin

knew all of them except the bible one but still got it right 20/20

people who got the exact opposite of what they look like 👇

actually 61???? My guy... I'm in my twenties-

San Francisco... erm no not even close I live in wisconsin lol

did anyone else get a question that didn't even have a question just dogs has the photo lol

embarrassment... saws I'm self conscious.... yeah saw that one coming ;D

bruh i got "overqualified" guess im going to the chum bucket for some sweet sweet revenge 😏

jennifer, mary, or michelle. NOT EVEN CLOSE ITS LIAAAAAA 😭

You are a great liar! I would say so myself 😏

omg I got vintage even though I didn't say I like vintage to any question, THIS IS NOT ACCURATE 😭

on a break!? ( ≧Д≦) with who tho is the question because if it's with someone like my boss.... THEN WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS BREAK

did almost everyone get ageless lol

this might be real, I got gryffindor on two quizzes of Harry Potter house quizes

Romantic Men? CORRECT! (I need to be treated like the princess I am <3)

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