RookieCringtasticsisters has played over 5 quizzes
Cringtasticsisters's Quiz Results
- Date playedQuiz resultScore
- Dec 16, 20248:34 pm
You got: No Cap!
Create the World's Grossest Pizza to Find Out Which Gen Z Slang Word Is Your Life Story - Dec 16, 20248:21 pm
You got: Garnet (January)!
Create Your Dream Ice Cream Sundae ๐ฆ and I'll Toootally Guess Your Birthstone ๐ - Dec 16, 20245:39 pm
- Dec 16, 20245:25 pm
- Dec 16, 20245:20 pm
- Dec 16, 20245:03 pm
You're an Ambivert!
Pretend To Decorate Your High School Locker And We'll Guess If You're An Introvert Or Extrovert
- Above 70%
- Above 85%
- 100%