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  • Ad-free experience
  • Play status indicator See at a glance which quizzes you've played and which are still unplayed.
  • 🆕 Early access to quizzes Play upcoming quizzes before they are officially published.
  • Exclusive nametags Make your name shine with special nametags, made exclusively for Premium subscribers.
  • Advanced features Unlock advanced website features and more exclusive tools, with new features added regularly!
  • Enhanced speed
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  • See your play history
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  • Bookmark quizzes
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  • Ad-free experience
  • Play status indicator See at a glance which quizzes you've played and which are still unplayed.
  • 🆕 Early access to quizzes Play upcoming quizzes before they are officially published.
  • Exclusive nametags Make your name shine with special nametags, made exclusively for Premium subscribers.
  • Advanced features Unlock advanced website features and more exclusive tools, with new features added regularly!
  • Enhanced speed
  • Resume quizzes easily
  • See your play history
  • Track your stats
  • Bookmark quizzes
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