Pink is the in color as of late and there are many different ways to rock this amazing color. It is becoming an increasingly popular trend to see people donning a whole outfit of the same color and making the oddly aesthetic style their very own. From accessories to tops and bottoms, pink adds the chic to an outfit that is craved by any fashion enthusiast.
Been thinking of a new hairstyle? We got your back. We firmly believe that a hairstyle should suit your style as it will complement whatever outfit you choose to put on. A great haircut is the first step to looking amazing and pulling off anything that you choose to wear.
In this quiz, you will get to pick out your favorite pink clothing item from each category, and through your fashion decisions, we will recommend you a new haircut to try out! The hairstyle will be based on your fashion style and what we think will match your fashion preferences! Ready for the challenge?