About This Quiz
Fractions are numbers that aren't whole, and mean just like they sound: a fraction, or a part of something bigger. Fractions have two numbers, a numerator (the part) and a denominator (the whole). When you first learned fractions, you probably did not see a point to having to learn them. But fractions are incredibly useful, so much so that many of us use fractions, and their counterpart decimals, in everyday life that we may not even realize when we are using them.
Without fractions, you wouldn't be able to figure out the discounted prices of goods when you go shopping, divide up a bill when dining out with friends, know the correct medicine dosages, tell time or cook with recipes.
20% of adults (that's 1/5) has forgotten how to work out either fractions or percentages, according to a study. Are you one of them? Take this quiz and see if you can quickly work out these fractions.
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