The '60s were a golden era for toys. Kids had countless more toys to choose from compared to previous decades and parents spent more on their kids. Many of these games were played in a social setting with much interaction between family and friends.
Enjoy this quiz as we step back into history with the toys and games of the 1960s! How many of these can you identify?
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Get PremiumCan You Identify These 1960s Toys? Quiz Questions
What is this retro toy?

Little People
Troll dolls
Gnome dolls
Little trolls
What is this retro toy?

Mr. Doctor
What is this retro toy?

Funny Face
Magic Wand
Wooly Willy
Dapper Dan
What is this retro toy?

See 'n Say
3D Pictures
Pocket Cinema
What is this retro toy?

Crazy Doodler
Magna Doodle
What is this retro toy?

School Trip
My First School
Happy Family
Little People
What is this retro toy?

Sticks and stones
Pick-up sticks
What is this retro toy?

The Game of Beetlebug
The Game of Slinky
Creepy Crawlers
The Game of Cootie
What is this retro toy?

Liddle Kiddles
Flatsy Doll
Chatty Cathy
American Girl Doll
What is this retro toy?

Sketch Slate
Magic Slate
Magna Doodle
Magic Film
What is this retro toy?

Barrel of Monkeys
Sock Monkey
Monkey Business
Pop-up Monkeys
What is this retro toy?

Blind King
Old Maid
What is this retro toy?

Polly Pocket
American Girl Doll
Flatsy Doll
Liddle Kiddles
What is this retro toy?

Build & Play
Tinkertoy Construction Set
What is this retro toy?

Lincoln Logs
Build-a-Fort Kit
Little Tikes Log Cabin
What is this retro toy?

Mr. Potato Head
Funny Spud
Peter Tater
What is this retro toy?

Creepy Crawlers
Jeepers Creepers
Bug Crawlers
Creepy Crawlies
What is this retro toy?

Fog of Love
Love Letter
Mystery Date
Love On Board
What is this retro toy?

Robo Machine
Tonka Robot
Mr. Machine
Rock'em Sock'em Robot
What is this retro toy?

G.I. Joe
What is this retro toy?

Hot Wheels
Matchbox cars
Slot cars
85 % ( 18 out of 21 )
76 % (16 out of 21)
This is a good memory test, and it brings back lots of happy memories of playing with friends!