What are the only pieces on the board that there are only one of, per color?
Knight and Queen
King and Rook
King and Queen
Knights move 2 in one direction and 1 in another, excluding diagonal. (L shaped) Also 1 in one direction, and 2 in another. (sideways L)
Any piece's move can be imitated by the queen.
Rooks move any number of spaces diagonally.
Bishops can move any number of spaces horizontally/vertically.
If it is your turn and you can't make a legal move, you lose.
Pawns always move two spaces at a time.
If you get a pawn to the other side of the board it automatically becomes a queen.
White always starts at rows 1 and 2 and Black is always rows 7 and 8.
You can Checkmate with a King.
You must start out the game by moving a Pawn out first.
You can have as many Queens on the board as you can get.
There are eight files and eight ranks on a chess board.
You can Checkmate with just a Rook and a King.
A draw can occur when both players move the same piece to the same place three times in a row.