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🚢 Go Cruising on the Titanic and We’ll Tell You What You Were in a Past Life

Would you have survived?

When the R.M.S. Titanic was first built, people marveled at what a magnificent feat of engineering it was. In 1912 when the luxurious liner set sail it was a huge moment for society, culture, and even our species. But by the time the giant "unsinkable" ship had sunken all the way to the ocean floor, people were less impressed with it. Most notably over 1,500 of the 2,200 people on board lost their lives because the ship couldn't survive a collision with an iceberg.

The resulting tragedy has gone on to maintain a spot in human history ever since and probably always will. James Cameron's incredibly successful movie that is based on the event also contributed to it playing a prominent role in modern pop culture.

If you could go back in time and travel aboard the Titanic, how would you spend your time there? Pretend to be on the Titanic during its fateful voyage and we'll tell you what you were in a past life.

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Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Questions

What is the purpose of your voyage on the Titanic?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz 20 Titanic
  • To work

  • To enjoy the cruise facilities

  • To start a new life for myself

  • To travel to the United States

How much luggage have you packed for the trip?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Large Handmade Leather Steamer Luggage Chest Coffee Table Titanic Brass Fixtures 0
  • A few bags

  • Nothing

  • An elaborate wardrobe

  • Just the essentials

How will you be dressed for the voyage?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Dress
  • None of these

  • In my finest attire

  • Whatever clothes I have

  • A uniform

What would you eat for breakfast?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Dining Experience Film Still Titanic0416
  • I'd skip breakfast

  • Whatever the vegan option in 1912 was

  • Iceberg lettuce

  • None of these

  • A buffet of various fine foods

  • Eggs

What activity aboard the Titanic would you most like to engage in?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Dance Scene
  • Use the gymnasium

  • Dance

  • Swim

  • None of these

  • Play cards

  • Use the Turkish bath

What would you like to have for lunch aboard the Titanic?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Diningsaloon1
  • Baked haddock

  • None of these

  • Oatmeal porridge & milk

  • Corned beef, vegetables and dumplings

  • Whatever the vegan option in 1912 was

  • Grilled mutton chops

What drink would you enjoy?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Dinner Menu Mainjpg
  • None of these

  • Whisky

  • Wine

  • Beer

You see a man creating a disturbance by yelling "I'm the king of the world" at the front of the ship. How do you handle the situation?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic
  • Notify security

  • Push him overboard

  • Allow the man to cause a scene

  • Unsure

What will you have for dinner?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Meal
  • None of these

  • A 10-course meal

  • Roast beef with brown gravy

  • Whatever the vegan option in 1912 was

  • Roast turkey with cranberry sauce

  • Curried chicken & rice

Where will you eat your dinner?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Third Class Dining Room
  • On the deck

  • In my cabin

  • In the dining area

  • None of these

You are feeling sick from the motion of the ocean. How do you handle the situation?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Young woman suffer from seasickness during vacation on boat
  • Vomit as needed

  • Vomit in my cabin

  • Vomit over the side of the Titanic

  • Unsure

While staring off into the ocean you see an iceberg in the Titanic's path. How do you handle the situation?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Iceberg
  • Abandon ship!

  • Alert the captain

  • Assume the crew know what they are doing

  • Unsure

There are not enough lifeboats to save everyone. What do you do?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Life Boat
  • Pretend to be the parent of a child so I can get on a lifeboat

  • Line up in an orderly fashion and if I get in a lifeboat great but if not, oh well

  • Allow others to get on the lifeboats first

  • Unsure

You are floating on some debris in the ocean but somebody else tries to grab hold of the same item. How do you respond?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Cold
  • Allow the person to share the debris even if it may not take both our weight

  • Knock the person off the debris

  • Give up and let him have it

  • Unsure

In 1985 the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered. Where would your body be?

Go Cruising on Titanic to Know What You Were in Past Li… Quiz Titanic Ocean floor
  • None of these

  • Alive and well in a nursing home

  • In a cemetery after having survived the sinking but died later in life

  • Unsure

  • In a shark's belly

  • Inside the Titanic

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