Can We *Actually* Reveal an Accurate Truth About You Purely Based on Your Food Decisions?

You love making jokes, but sometimes you use humor to mask your true emotions.

23% of players got this result!

You naturally take on the role of entertainer and you love to make people laugh, especially when they're in need of a distraction. You often use stories and humor to cheer up your friends when they're feeling down. But you also feel an obligation to be carefree and happy for others. Don't put yourself on the back burner and understand that sometimes things are heavy, and that's OK. You're not being a bad friend for using some of your energy on self-care. If anything, it makes you a better friend!


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Do you ever look at what you're eating and wonder how it might relate to who you are as a person? Food is so much more than just a source of nourishment. It's a way to express your identity and make connections with the people around you. It's one of the most basic and universal forms of communication.

Which is why it's so interesting to look at the decisions we make when it comes to food. What do our choices say about us? Are our favorite dishes a reflection of our personalities? Can we actually learn an accurate truth about someone purely based on their food decisions?

This quiz will explore these questions, giving you the opportunity to find out what your food decisions say about you. In each question, you'll have to choose between two items. Based on your choices, we'll determine a truth about your personality. A truth that will be surprisingly accurate and that you probably haven't stopped to think about before.

Ready to take the next step and discover a truth about yourself? Let's find out if your food decisions really can tell us something about who you are.

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