Every Answer to This Quiz Is an Animal — Can You Complete the Idioms and Solve Them All?

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English idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an important part of everyday English. They are used frequently in both written and spoken English.

Idioms in particular can be very confusing to English language learners, especially kids and beginners. For example, "when pigs fly" is an expression that is not to be taken in the literal sense. It is very unlikely that you will ever see pigs fly right? Rather, this is an idiom used to express that something is very unlikely to happen. Idioms are phrases that aren't meant to be taken literally.

In this quiz we have put together a list of 20 common idioms based on animals. Each of these idioms has a word missing, which is always the name of an animal. You will need to figure out what animal that is in order to complete the idiomatic expression, and type it out in the box under each each question. If you get stuck at any point, click on the "I give up" button to reveal the answer and move on to the next question. And because you will have to type in your answer, spelling does matter. Got it? Let's get to it then!

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