🤓 Are You Book Smart or Street Smart?

What kind of smart are you?

🤓 Are You Book Smart or Street Smart? Quiz

Are you book smart or street smart? The answer to that question says much about who you are and what you want out of life. It's hard to pinpoint exactly where the two kinds of smart differ. Naturally, a street smart person's knowledge comes from experience whereas a book smart person's knowledge comes from reading or otherwise researching a topic. Being book smart can be described as "exam smart" or "academically smart", whereas being street smart means having good environmental or situational awareness, and the understanding of what's going on around you.

The difference between streetwise and book smart goes deeper than just intelligence or knowledge, however. The kind of smarts you possess say much about what you value the most in life. It's also not quite that straightforward to spot a book smart or street smart person as you might imagine.

To find out if you are book smart or street smart, take this quiz and we will let you know which kind of smart you really are.

Quiz Playlist

Discover Yourself Quizzes
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  4. This Food Showdown Quiz Is Scientifically Designed to Determine What Kind of Optimist or Pessimist You Are
  5. Should I Work from Home? This Quiz Reveals If You Are Suited for Remote Work
  6. Ink Blot Test
  7. What Grade Are You Getting in Life So Far?
  8. Respond to These Texts and We’ll Reveal Your Emotional Age
  9. How Jealous of a Person Are You?
  10. 🍟 Want to Know Your Personality Type? Order a McDonald’s Meal to Find Out
  11. We’ll Gauge Your Mental Strength Based on Your Reaction to These Unpleasant Things
  12. If You Do 9/17 of These Things You’re Probably Emotionally Unavailable
  13. The Foods You Enjoy 🍕 Will Reveal What % American Your Tastebuds Are
  14. Are You on Santa’s 🎅 Naughty or Nice List?
  15. Are You American, Australian, British, Or Canadian When It Comes to Eating?
  16. Tell Us Your Daily Routine and We’ll Reveal What % High Maintenance You Are
  17. What % Old Soul Are You?
  18. Mental Age Test
  19. 😇 This Quiz Will Officially Determine What % Moral You Are
  20. 🤔 Your Reaction to These Photos Will Reveal a Deep Truth About You
  21. Deep Down, Everyone Is Either a ☕️ Coffee or Tea 🍵 Person – Let’s See Which One You Are
  22. Choose Which of These Characters to Revive and We’ll Reveal Your Street Smart %
  23. This “Yes or No” Quiz Will Officially Determine How Privileged You Are
  24. 👍 This Overrated/Underrated Food Quiz Will Reveal Something 100% True About You 👎
  25. Pick 📺 TV Shows from A-Z and We’ll Accurately Guess If You’re an Optimist or a Pessimist
  26. 🍰 Make Some Difficult Dessert Decisions to Find Out What % Good and Evil You Are
  27. 👃 React to These 15 Distinct Smells and We’ll Tell You What % Fussy You Are
  28. The Way You Eat Common Foods Will Reveal Whether You’re Shy or Outgoing
  29. Have Fun Choosing 🍦 Cold Desserts to Find Out 🥶 What % Cold-Hearted You Are
  30. 😺 How Much of a Cat Person Are You?


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🤓 Are You Book Smart or Street Smart? Quiz Questions