Cupcakes have been trendy for a while now, but they've been around for a long time, dating back to as early as the 1700s. The small dessert is the perfect treat for anyone who doesn't want to go through the trouble of baking a whole cake but wants a taste of it. If you're too lazy to bake, here are a few hacks to save you some effort and speed up the baking process.
To quickly warm up eggs from the refrigerator, you can place them in a bowl of warm water. As for butter, you can soften it quickly by putting it in a zipper bag and rolling it out. If you don't have a rolling pin, you can also use a wine bottle. Finally, if you don't have the proper tools for frosting, you can use a syringe too!
In this quiz, you get to bake some cupcakes just the way you like them. Decide on the flavor, the frosting, the toppings, and even the design of the cupcake case, and we'll reveal which Disney princess you're most like.
I got: Ariel!
You are Ariel from The Little Mermaid! You have a passion for discovery and adventure, which you pursue without fear. You listen to what your heart wants and you follow it. Your fun-loving personality is infectious and your outgoing nature pulls people to you.
You got: Belle!
You are Belle from Beauty and the Beast! You’re very independent, and you feel it’s important to never hide your true self. You believe in doing the right thing even when it’s difficult. You know not to judge a book by its cover and are not afraid to go against popular opinion.
She is my favourite for a reason.
Spot on.
I got snow white
I lost my slipper bro that cost 100 grand
I sort of look like her but always optimistic? not really…
i dont like ariel!!!
me either 😛
You got: Snow White!
You are Snow White! You give your all to whatever task you’re given or you decide to do and you never complain. You have mesmerized people along your life path with your charming ways. But they stay in your life because of your pure heart and soul.