🎂 Make Yourself a Birthday Cake — It Will Help Us Guess the Season You Were Born

You got: Summer!

29% of players got this result!

Were you born in summer? You seem to be a balanced person. You don't let emotions sway you, even in tense situations. You think it's important to help others, regardless of whether you gain recognition. You don't need others' well wishes to make you feel good; you're proud of yourself anyway.


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Our birthday is considered to be a special day for each and every one of us. It's a day that our friends and loved ones express warmth and good wishes, making it truly one's own day. As part of a birthday celebration, a cake usually takes centerstage. So, it makes sense that the choice of cake is personalized according to the kind of person you are.

If you're a fan of cookies and cream icing on a cake, you are someone that appreciates hard work, and you are willing to put in the effort to reap the rewards. If you appreciate a plain old vanilla cake, you're pretty low maintenance. You prefer sticking to the basics, and live life in a no-frills manner. If you love red velvet, you're task-oriented. Your intelligence pushes you to achieve your goals without letting anything unimportant get in your way.

In this quiz, we can determine which season you were born in - or at least try and guess it! All you have to do is to make yourself a birthday cake. Choose the flavor of the batter and icing, as well as the toppings, and we'll tell you our guess!

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