🍦 Build an Incredible 16-Scoop Ice Cream and We’ll Reveal How Old You REALLY Act
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You got: 45 Years Old!

18% of players got this result!

You act like a 45-year-old!


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Ice cream and cones go together like Beyonce and Jay-Z, Ashton and Mila, and whichever pairing that are destined to be together. Whenever it starts to get a little hot, we can seek satiation from the delicious, icy dessert. Our sweet cravings are fulfilled by picking out the right flavors, toppings and even the type of cones to fill the ice cream in.

When we were younger, we would longingly wait for an ice-cream truck to pull up or eagerly await a trip to the store with our parents. The music of the truck or our parents asking us if we'd want a special treat can quickly brighten up our day!

Imagine building the biggest and tallest ice cream cone you've ever laid your eyes on, with every scoop stacked perfectly on top of one another in a crunchy cone. Pick 16 scoops of any flavor you'd love to have even if you've never tried it before. Based on your amazing cone, we'll tell you exactly what age you act!

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