Can We Guess Your Age by Your Taste in Movies?

You got: 46 Years Old!

30% of players got this result!

We're guessing you're a 46-year-old movie buff!


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      deja tolbert 8 months ago

Do you ever relate a movie to the period of time you watched it in? That movie transports you back to a fun movie night with your best friends or your first date with your high school crush. Along with that, the fact that movies define generations explains why our favorite films can say a lot about how old we are.

On the contrary, some old souls enjoy rewatching classic films while there are also people who religiously catch new flicks the moment they pop up at their local cinemas. Some people are obsessed with specific actors and actresses and will only watch movies with them, while others only enjoy watching films of certain genres. It may be difficult to guess the ages of people with these movie habits, but we've got a good idea on how we can figure them out!

Pick out your favorite movie in a category, or tell us if you don't like any of them. Whatever you pick from each of these movie categories, we're pretty sure we can guess your age accurately!

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