Can We Guess Your Age Based on How Many of These Meals You Can Cook?

You got: 20 to 29 Years Old!

10% of players got this result!

Are you between 20 and 29 years old?


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Cooking is an art, and like most skills, it takes a lot of hard work and repeated attempts to master. However, any ordinary person can improve his culinary skills just by practising. It is very important to be able to make certain dishes regardless of your skill level.

One simple dish anyone can come up with is a salad. Throwing together healthy ingredients in a bowl and tossing them with a dressing of your choice should be easy enough for any cooking novice. Once you're more confident of executing a more difficult dish, you can attempt cooking a pasta. Spaghetti and meatballs can be relatively easy. Boiling the spaghetti and rolling minced meat into balls doesn't seem too daunting right? You should also know how to prepare fried chicken because, well, everyone loves it!

In this quiz, tell us how well you can make the following meals. Your grasp on cooking these dishes will help us determine what age you really are!

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