Can You Answer These Basic Astronomy Questions?

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You are the Rocket Scientist! From Pluto, to Jupiter, to Polaris, and our home, Mother Earth, that was an astronomical performance! Most people know the basics of astronomy like the planets and their order, but it takes a fantastic memory or a real love for the stars to pass this quiz – and you knocked it out of the park! Great job!Think your friends and fellow stargazers can pass the test? Share this quiz and let’s see how well they do!


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Space is amazing. The sheer vastness of it, along with the trillions upon trillions of objects in the many billions of galaxies of the universe is almost incomprehensible to the human brain. When you look up at the star-speckled night sky, what do you think about? The vastness and beauty of it all? Do you ponder about what's out there? There's a lot we don't know about our universe. But thanks to science and the many brilliant minds here on Earth, we have learned some incredible things about space.

Test your space smarts with this basic astronomy quiz and see if you have the makings of a rocket scientist!

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