Can You Beat Your Friends in This “Jeopardy!” Quiz?

You got 11 out of 15!

You scored better than 49% of players!

Unfortunately it looks like you're nowhere near being a Jeopardy champion, with the level of training you've had. You need more practice to answer the questions effortlessly! Share this quiz with your friends and see whether they can beat your score.


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Jeopardy! is a game show loved all over the world. The game show may have a simple premise of answering trivia questions but, not everyone can become a champion in the game. So how do you become a champ? There's a lot of work involved, so be warned. Here are some tips from a previous winner for you to gain victory!

You may think of the broad range of questions and find it impossible to study but, with the right mindset, you can (and have to) get it done! You have to study smart too, by understanding your strengths and weaknesses and spending a little more time on the latter. If you can, watch the show religiously and find a recurring pattern to get into the minds of the clue writers.

If you need a little more practice before going on the actual show, this quiz is just for you. Answer these questions asked on Jeopardy! and you can find out if you're ready to go on the show as a contestant!

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