On average, outdoors-only cats live about...
12 to 15 years
3 to 5 years
7 to 10 years
A cat scratches the furniture to:
mark its territory
shed nail sheaths
all of these
True or false: A cat purrs ONLY when it is happy and relaxed.
Why does a cat scratch the floor around its food and water bowls after eating as if to cover it up?
On average, how many whiskers does a cat have?
What is a group of cats called?
How much of their waking hours do cats spend grooming themselves?
Cats are carnivores. When selecting food for your cat it is important to make sure the main ingredient is:
What is the most common type of allergy in cats?
Flea allergy
Contact allergy
Food allergy
What does it mean when your cat has an upright tail?
Your cat is trying to hide and avoid being seen.
Your cat is pleased to see you and is greeting you.
Your cat has to use the bathroom.
What does it mean when a cat exposes its tummy to you?
What is your cat saying when it hisses?
Look at my teeth
Back off
I'm lost
What does it mean when your cat's tail puffs out?
It is just stretching
It is scared/threatened
It wants a tail rub
What does it mean when your cat attacks your feet or tries to play with you at random times?
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