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๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland?

It's a magical place to work in!

Disneyland is said to be the happiest place in the world. Although it may a magical place to work in, being a park employee also has its obstacles and challenges. Most of those challenges come in the form of park guests. Some people may make things more difficult than they have to be for Disney park employees and cast members. They get sick on rides, they donโ€™t know how to get to places, and sometimes they canโ€™t find their children! Park guests can be quite difficult to deal with!

If you would like to find out how well you would do working one shift at Disneyland then go ahead and take this quiz, and we will let you know just how well you would do. Perhaps you would do so well that you might consider applying for a job at a Disney park after taking this quiz. On the other hand, perhaps you will find out that you should never consider becoming an employee of the Magic Kingdom.

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๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Questions

On your first day, your new manager keeps referring to you as a "cast member". How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland Alice In Wonderland
  • Assume this must be what all park employees are called

  • Assume your manager is referring to you

  • Assume you have been cast in a new Disney Plus series

  • Explain you aren't part of the cast but just a regular employee

You are dressed up as Mickey Mouse and a park guest walks up to you and says hello. How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland
  • Say hello back

  • Respond in big hand gestures because you aren't allowed to speak

  • Give a wave or a nod

  • Verbally explain to the guest that you are not allowed to speak

You are dressed up as a cowboy from Frontierland but you need to speak with an employee who works in the Tomorrowland section. How do get to the other section of the park?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz
  • Walk through the park

  • Use secret cast member tunnel to walk to the other area of the park

  • Give up and let the task defeat you

  • Take your uniform off and then walk through the park

A panicked parent runs up to you while you are in costume and explains her child is missing. You saw the child run past you moments ago. Without being able to speak, how do you let the parent know where her child went?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Visitingdisneywithinfants
  • Take your costume head off and verbally tell the parents where their kid is

  • Point with one finger in the correct direction

  • Point with two fingers in the correct direction

  • Point with your whole hand in the correct direction

Youโ€™ve just put on your full Snow White costume and are proud of how you look. What do you do next?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Snow White
  • Take a selfie and share privately with people you know

  • Take a selfie and post to social media

  • Do not take a selfie at all

  • Spend hours looking at yourself in the mirror and miss your shift

A child who is too short to go on a certain ride is insisting he be let on. How do you handle the situation?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Toy Story Playland Alien Night Hong Kong Disneyland
  • Give the kid sugary treats and send him on his way

  • Tell the kid if he doesn't stop causing a scene you'll feed him to the shark from Finding Nemo

  • Let the kid on the ride, that's how he'll learn

  • Explain to the kid's parents that their child needs better supervision

The park manager asks if you can work a 12-hour shift from 4am to 4pm tomorrow. How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland Goofy Minnie Mouse
  • Quit, this job isn't worth it

  • Sure thing boss!

  • Explain you can't work a shift that long

  • Say you'll show up for the shift (but then don't)

A park guest staying at the Star Wars Galaxyโ€™s Edge exhibit wonโ€™t stop talking to you about Baby Yoda (Grogu) but you need to get back to work. How do you handle the situation?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Star Wars Galaxyโ€™s Edge
  • Politely explain you must get back to work

  • Talk with the person about Baby Yoda for as long as needed

  • Rudely explain you must get back to work

  • Give the person spoilers to Star Wars films he hasn't seen

A friend of yours heard you work at Disneyland and has been pestering you for free fast passes. How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland
  • Promise your friend free Disneyland stuff

  • Stop being friends with this person

  • Ignore your friend's requests

  • Try to sneak your friend into the park

A child has gotten really frightened on the Haunted Mansion ride. What can you do to help the family?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Haunted Mansion Attic
  • Spray water on the kid until they leave the area

  • Bring them a free treat

  • Explain that life gets a whole lot scarier so they need to toughen up

  • Introduce them to a child-friendly Disney character like Goofy

A guest has said he plans on scattering the ashes of a loved one while at the park (this actually happens sometimes at Disneyland). What do you say to this person?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland Tombstones Graveyard Cemetery
  • Have the person arrested for littering

  • Put the ashes on Space Mountain and wherever they end up is where they end up

  • Instruct the person to scatter the ashes in the Haunted Mansion where other people usually do this

  • Help the person determine the best place to scatter his loved one's ashes

A child is claiming that you are not the real Mickey Mouse while you are in costume. How do you handle the situation?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Disneyland Mickey Mouse
  • Tell the kid the real Mickey is dead

  • Take the costume's head off and say "well, you got me!"

  • Using non-verbal movements insist that you are the real Mickey

  • Ignore the kid and focus on other park guests

While working at the Avengers Campus, a park guest asks you to explain the multi-timeline concept in the Loki series. How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Avengers Campus
  • Ask a manager to come over and help

  • Carefully explain how multiple timelines work

  • Confuse multiple timelines with singular timelines like in Back to the Future

  • Pretend like you are about to put on an Infinity Gauntlet and make a snapping motion

Space Mountain has broken down and injured guests are threatening to sue. How do you respond?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Space Mountain 00
  • Run away

  • Act like you were on the ride as well and get in on the lawsuits

  • Run and get a manager

  • Help the guests as best you can

The real Johnny Depp has arrived and is insisting on being featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. What do you say to Johnny Depp?

๐Ÿฐ Can You Survive a Day Working at Disneyland? Quiz Pirates Of The Caribbean Gallery05
  • Explain to Johnny Depp that even though he's famous he can't just do what he wants

  • Direct Johnny Depp to the Haunted Mansion just to see what happens

  • Let him in, he's Johnny Depp!

  • Accompany Johnny Depp as he entertains park guests

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