πŸ’‘ Only a Certified Genius Can Score Higher Than a 12/15 on This General Knowledge Quiz

You got 13 out of 15!

You scored better than 88% of players!

You must be really smart to be able to ace this quiz! Getting such a high score in this confusing test, means that you are a real fighter. You didn't give up, even when the questions got harder. You were able to stay focused in order to complete this test perfectly. You're officially a certified genius.


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  1. MasterMia has played over 200 quizzes
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  4. πŸ… Ranked #22MARK MORRALL is ranked 22nd for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
    πŸ† 24th in TriviaMARK MORRALL is the 24th top scorer over the last 30 days
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  6. πŸ† 173rd in TriviaBeth Sweet is the 173rd top scorer over the last 30 days
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If you've done any of the trivia quizzes on Quizly, you must have learned a lot of new facts and gained an interest in general knowledge. Did you know it is actually important to take such quizzes and give your mind a workout frequently?

To a certain extent, others do judge you based on how up-to-date your knowledge of facts and current affairs is. If you are well-versed in different subjects and know what's going on in different domains, you appear like a socially aware person that can hold an intellectual conversation. Not only does knowing a wealth of information help you grow academically, you develop on a personal level as well. You tend to analyze situations better, get a hold of the facts before letting bias or anyone else impact decisions.

Try answering these general knowledge questions correctly. If you score higher than a 12 out of a possible 15, you're a possible genius!

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