🐱 Choose Between Kittens and Desserts and We’ll Pay You a Compliment 🍰

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For cat owners, deciding on the food to serve your pet may be a struggle at times when you do not know what sort of nutrition you should be providing. When it comes to treats, are human desserts suitable?

You may be glad to know that the base of many desserts, eggs, are safe for kitty consumption. You could offer a banana cake since bananas provide your feline with potassium and fiber. Another fruit you could experiment with is the pumpkin. Incorporating it into a pie would provide your cat with fiber in fewer calories. A cheese-based treat would be awesome too, due to its high calcium and protein levels.

In this quiz, you have to pick your preference between a cute kitten and a delectable dessert in various situations. This quiz is only difficult for someone who loves both cats and food. If not, it should be a breeze! After making some tough decisions, you will be rewarded with a well-deserved compliment!

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