You got: Ambidextrous!
You are ambidextrous! You are able to be equally dominant with both hands, which makes you part of the 1% of the population who can do that. You are also more empathetic than the rest.
You are ambidextrous! You are able to be equally dominant with both hands, which makes you part of the 1% of the population who can do that. You are also more empathetic than the rest.
Dogs are known as man's best friend. They provide companionship and loyalty to the people whom they trust and take care of them. And these furry creatures are also so darn adorable! We can't help but go awww at some of the cute things they do. There are times when we are astounded by their intelligence. The variety of tricks that dogs can be trained to do is amazing. We should be so lucky to have dogs.
Even if you don't have a canine companion (or even if you do), you can still imagine you are picking out your new best friend in this quiz. Choose your favorite dog from each breed and we'll guess if you are left or right-handed!
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You got: Right-handed!
You are a right hander! You tend to do better in remembering facts and doing things by the book. Right-handed people also live longer than others on average!
wrongggg im ambidextrous but use my left more
Left handed,
but I am right handed ):
You got: Ambidextrous!
You are ambidextrous! You are able to be equally dominant with both hands, which makes you part of the 1% of the population who can do that. You are also more empathetic than the rest.
This is actually true, though I’m still more right dominant.
RIGHT HANDED it was correct!
Right handed!!!!!!!
Um kind of, I’m left hand but I only wright with my lefty but play sports with my righty sooooo…. Idk
This is impossible because there is not a none of them choice!
You got: Ambidextrous!
You are ambidextrous! You are able to be equally dominant with both hands, which makes you part of the 1% of the population who can do that. You are also more empathetic than the rest.
We got the same.🥳
While I can write with my left hand, it is COMPLETELY unreadable.
I think it is cool that you are ambidextrous! Even if your right is more dominant!
My left arm can carry everything, my right can barely carry anything heavy for too long. I alternate when vacuuming…and when I’ve had some medications…I automatically use my left hand over my right. But, my right hand is the hand I usually write with. It’s been a while since I’ve written with my left…I should see if it’s still as good as it used to be.😅
I’ll try it and get back to you.
Ok! (Wow! She [you are a she, right?] is really ambidextrous! So cool!)
*wrote to see* It’s been over 20 years since I’ve written left handed, and it’s getting better with each stroke.😅🥳
And yes, I’m a she.😊
Thanks! I do have good intuition, when I’m not at school…
Thank you for clearing that up! I was a little bit confused.🥴
*wrote to see*?
Glad to hear that!
I thought so, I wasn’t sure though…
Good intuition!🥳
Yes, I said I would have to see if I could still write as good as many years ago, me writing *wrote to see* was me stating I did exactly that.😅
Left handed, actually am right handed and favor the right side much more than left.
Ambidextrous. Except mostly with my right hand
Ambidextrous! True if I have to, but most of the time right-handed.
Ambidextrous! Not quite, Left.
You got: Right-handed
^ No, left