Decorating is a very important step for any owner to make a new house feel like home. It is crucial to get the decor right as you may have to stick with it for a while. If you're unsure of how to get started, here are some decor tips.
While white walls are timeless and always a safe bet, moody colors are in this year for interiors. Go with a beautiful blend of navy and black to let your furniture stand out more. Matching top and bottom cabinets in the kitchen used to be the look people went for, but right now, two-tone sets are preferred. Make the kitchen look snazzy with a vibrant color for the top set, and a textured wood design for the bottom set. For items, geometric accents are trendy. Pick up a geometric cushion or rug to make any room pop.
In this quiz, you get to choose some current decor trends to incorporate into your house! Your home design will help us guess which generation you're actually from.
I got: Silent Generation!
You were born in 1945 or before! You are very respectful of people, regardless of how they treat you. For those you know and put their trust in you, you stay incredibly loyal to them. You value tradition heavily and expect others to not stray from it too.
nope im in 2017 i dont know what generration that is
You got: Generation X!
You were born between 1965 and 1980! You’ve been taught how to be independent and self-sufficient, using your intelligence and skills to propel you further in life. Your resourcefulness comes in handy for this too. You don’t necessarily like having a structured lifestyle, but you’ve taught yourself how to conform to it.
No…I’m not from Gen X.
Close, and it does it describe me.
But, I just like what I like. Unapologetically. *sips tea with pinky finger out*
You got: Generation X!
You were born between 1965 and 1980! You’ve been taught how to be independent and self-sufficient, using your intelligence and skills to propel you further in life. Your resourcefulness comes in handy for this too. You don’t necessarily like having a structured lifestyle, but you’ve taught yourself how to conform to it.
That’s all wrong. I like to be structured and I’m Gen Z (2012 like RJ)
Wow! They thought I was OLD… 1945 or before! I guess we just have an older taste in style, right? I know I definitely like older things. I also like adults and people who are older than me… Not in dating though! I want to date someone who is as old as me!
ya same i got silent gen but thats def not it i was born in 2017
You got: Silent Generation!
You were born in 1945 or before! You are very respectful of people, regardless of how they treat you. For those you know and put their trust in you, you stay incredibly loyal to them. You value tradition heavily and expect others to not stray from it too.
Correct description. Incorrect age group, I’m a Gen Z. ( 2012 )
Nothing wrong with being respectful and loyal. I’m proud of the person you are.🥹😍
Aww. Thanks!
I contacted them to try and restore my account but for now I’m just on here…
Okay. They usually don’t respond right away…
RJ I have to reset my account! It’s me Luna! I have to wait 7 days to message or friend people!
Oh. Okay?
You got: Millennials!
Hi, RJLupinFan_#1! Silent Generation has the correct description for me too! Here’s mine:
You were born after 1980! You probably have mastered the art of multi-tasking efficiently, otherwise, you can’t keep up with your peers. This way, you’ve also taught yourself how to creatively solve problems. You’re also tech-savvy, on the lookout for the newest gadget to make life easier.
I’m not a fan of technology though.
Yeah. You can call me RJ if you want! Lots of other people do. Is it just me, or do you like older things? I LOVE old ornate things. I also tend to like adults and people older than me. (I want to find a lover who is the same age as me though!)
Can I call you RJLupin? I like some old things. Only some people though. It depends on what old things they are that I can decide if I like it.
That’s fine!
Yeah, makes sense.
Thanks, RJLupin!
Yes, now that you explain it say oh.
(Now that I explain it, you say “Oh!”)
Uhhh. No. IDK why you said thanks….
I said thanks cause it seems like you said that I can call you RJLupin.
Your welcome?
Do you even know why I’m saying thanks?
i got: Millennials! i dont know what that means
I’m the silent generation
I got Generation X. I’m Generation Alpha
Hey! I got Millennial. I’m a Gen Alpha too.
I got Silent Generation. I’m Generation X.
im gen x too