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๐Ÿณ Eat Some Eggs and We’ll Reveal Your Strongest Trait

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Eggs are versatile ingredients that can be used in various dishes, regardless of whether they are of savory or sweet nature. Most of us are not aware of the different ways to cook eggs and stick to the same few dishes when cooking. If you want to break out of the status quo, here are some creative ways to use this wonder ingredient!

If you're in the mood for a quick but filling snack, potato cup frittatas are something you should consider. These are potatoes fried into a sort of container to hold a mini frittata - it's pretty simple. If you love Southern cuisine, you probably enjoy the occasional biscuit. By stuffing the biscuit with a baked egg, you get to elevate the simple item into something much more substantial!

In this quiz, pick the kind of eggs you would enjoy in each group of dishes! Your choice of eggs will determine what your strongest trait is. Let's get cracking!

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๐Ÿณ Eat Some Eggs and We'll Reveal Your Strongest Trait Quiz Questions

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