Can You Pass This Elementary School Grammar Test?

Have you got your basics right all this while?

As most of us should know, using proper grammar is a very important life skill. Grammar is the essence of every language. Grammatical competence is also a part of the language competence. How many times have you read a sentence, been confused, and had to go back and re-read it to try and figure out what it meant? Does this interrupt your flow of thought and spoil the reading experience a little (or a lot)? If the author had paid a little more attention to his or her use of grammar, it would probably have been easier to read. "Bad writing makes bright people look dumb," as William Zinsser once observed so succinctly.

In this quiz, we go back to basics by revisiting elementary school grammar. How much have you learned from those early years of childhood education and retained in adulthood? Have you been using proper grammar all this while? Let's find out now!


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Can You Pass This Elementary School Grammar Test? Quiz Questions

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