Elementary School Students Score Better Than Adults on This General Knowledge Quiz

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #78vienna is ranked 78th for playing the most unique quizzes in the last 30 days
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    Jurly 6 months ago

This quiz is a little unique in the sense that elementary school students will actually do better on it than adults will. This might seem counterintuitive but adults often stop learning after they leave school whereas kids are taking in new information all the time even if they do happen to be pretty young.

Learning is a lifelong process. The mistaken belief that we have obtained all the information that we need once we leave school is leading to severe cases of arrested development. If you think you happen to be someone who has retained a large amount of the information you learned in school and have continued to keep up with your studying after, then you might actually do just as well as an elementary school child on this quiz. There's only one way to find out for sure, though, and that's to take this quiz right now.

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