If You Can Name Just 12/20 Countries by Their Famous Landmark, I’ll Be Really Impressed

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You scored better than 30% of players!

You did pretty well! There's always room for improvement, but I'd definitely say that you know your geography. I bet your friends always want you on their trivia team, right?


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Do you know which country is home to the Louvre museum, Chichen Itza, or Angkor Wat? Flush with architectural wonder, historical significance, and cultural allure, these are some of the most recognizable landmarks around the world. Can you figure out the country where these sights are found? Knowing the country is the first step. To do well in this quiz, you will also need to know how to spell out the name of the country correctly.

Here's how this works: Every question in this quiz shows a photo of a world famous landmark. All you've gotta do is figure out the country where it is found and type it out in the box under each one. Spelling does count, so watch out for any typos. If you get stuck at any point, you can click on "I give up" at the bottom right to reveal the answer and move on to the next question. Ready? Let's go!

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