We Know Your Age Based on Your 📺 Favorite TV Shows of the Last 20 Years

You got: 66 or older!

65% of players got this result!

You've maybe seen a few of these, but you have no idea what most of them are. You don't even have kids or grandkids that you might've watched these shows with. Oh well!


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    • 🏅 Ranked #13Nazareth is ranked 13th on the leaderboard for playing the most unique quizzes in the last 30 days
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Are you a TV addict? Do you spend your weekends binging on the latest shows? Well, we have a quiz that will put your TV knowledge to the test and reveal your age in the process. That's right, we know how old you are based on your favorite TV shows of the last 20 years.

Do you love a good drama? Have you watched every episode of Breaking Bad? Or maybe you're more of a sci-fi fan and can't get enough of The Mandalorian. Whatever your taste, we've got you covered.

But wait, there's more! Are you a horror junkie? Did you scream your way through The Haunting of Hill House? Or maybe you prefer a good laugh and can't get enough of The Office.

No matter what your TV preferences are, with each answer, we'll get closer and closer to guessing your age. So grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and let's see if we can guess how old you are based on the shows you like.

Note: If you haven't seen a particular show, choose "IDK".

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