In Roman numerals what does the symbol "D" represent?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement Which Queen of England is believed to have six fingers on one hand?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement The biathlon combines cross-country skiing with what other sport?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement What author wrote the book "A Farewell to Arms"?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement If you have encephalitis, what part of your body is swelling?
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Having difficulty with this one?
Advertisement Advertisement What French monarch was king of France for about 20 minutes in 1830?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement What baseball pitcher threw a no-hitter on June 12th, 1970 while he was supposedly on LSD?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement What fictional pirate had a parrot named Captain Flint?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What was the name of Alexander the Great's horse?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is New Year's Eve called in Scotland?
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Having difficulty with this one?
Advertisement Advertisement What is the name of the test given to determine if a computer can convincingly mimic a human?
Advertisement Advertisement Absolutely right! 👍
Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is the name of the actor pictured here?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What type of tree is a traditional didgeridoo made from?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is Santa Claus called in Denmark?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What author wrote novels including "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", "The Man in the High Castle", and "A Scanner Darkly"?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
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