Can You Pass This General Knowledge Quiz While Being Distracted by Adorable Kittens?

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Whether it's one with your friends or testing your other half over a bottle of wine on the sofa - a quiz is the perfect way to spend the evening. There are many benefits to exercising your brain: you're, well, exercising your brain and keeping it young and flexible!

How do you think you would fare in a random trivia quiz? Not only would you have to tap into your trivia knowledge, but you would have to answer the questions while staring at pictures of cute, cuddly kittens. Now, that's a real challenge for your attention span!

If you're a person who's committed to the quest for learning about trivia, this quiz would be right up your alley. The wide range of questions covering many different trivia topics will have you scratching your head for answers! If you would like to find out if you really are a genius or not, then go ahead and take this quiz. Let the kitty fest begin!

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