What are pink Amazon river dolphins also known as?
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Advertisement Advertisement Where was Balki from on the Perfect Strangers TV show?
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Advertisement Advertisement In what year was figure skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked by the former husband of a rival skater?
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Advertisement Advertisement In the Wizard of Oz, what did the lion want to get from the Wizard?
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Advertisement Advertisement In what century was the dodo declared extinct?
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Advertisement Advertisement In 1995, Heather Whitestone became the first Miss America who was also what?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What is the name of the actor who portrayed Emperor Palpatine across 3 generations of Star Wars films?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement On the TV show Saved by the Bell what is the name of Zack Morris' band?
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Not quite right. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement Most of the former country of Transylvania is now located inside the borders of what modern-day country?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What is the name of the actor pictured below famous for his roles on Star Trek, Boston Legal, and $h*! My Dad Says?
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Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement How many squares are there on a standard chessboard?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is Aquaman's real name?
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That was incorrect.
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