Can We Guess Your Favorite Color Based on the Hipster Milkshake You Create?

You got: Green!

33% of players got this result!

You're a very peaceful person who has a lot of hope, which means you always believe in the best of people. You're modest, which hides the fact that you're an amazing person whose wonders should be spoken of proudly.


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The classic milkshake was the essential drink of any diner in the past, even if it might have cost an absurd $5 in Pulp Fiction. Today, the beverage has evolved into a whole lot more with interesting mix-ins and toppings. It is now under hipster territory!

An example of this trendy milkshake is one made with chocolate ganache and vanilla mousse blended together. To bring it over the top, chocolate sauce is used as a drizzle, after which the drink is topped with an actual-sized chewy fudge brownie and a torched marshmallow. If this isn't an upgrade to a regular diner drink, we don't know what is.

In this quiz, you get to make the hipster milkshake that you've always wanted. Choose what kind of milk or yogurt you would want as the base, pick a syrup for flavoring, add in any candy, fruit, or surprising mix-ins before you blend it all together. You will even get to pile on some unconventional toppings. Your final drink will help us guess your favorite color!

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