Do You Actually Prefer πŸ₯§ Holiday Food or 🐢 Puppies?

You Prefer Puppies!

61% of players got this result!

You definitely show a preference for puppies over food!


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'Tis the season to be jolly. Every year, we eagerly await the arrival of the holidays. The festive spreads at Thanksgiving and Christmas include a lot of excellent star dishes and sides. From the succulent turkey or ham as the centerpiece of the meal, to the stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and the sides like mashed potatoes with creamy gravy or a candied sweet potato dish, these dishes are worth waiting an entire year for. Not to mention the Christmas desserts that can't be missed: pumpkin pies, pecan pies and sweet potato pies.

Now, if you were asked to choose between eating holiday foods, or playing with puppies (and you could only pick one), which would it be? Would it be an easy choice for you or the toughest decision you've ever had to make? In this quiz, we pit some holiday foods against adorable puppies. Feel free to have fun with this quiz your way, holiday-style.

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