How Good Is Your Grammar?

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You are a Grammar Master! From spelling, to apostrophes, to conjugations - you are a Grammar Master! You were probably the envy of your English class as you swerved and dodged your way through the complications of grammar and the weird, wild English language. Most people really struggle with these words and phrases, but you were unfazed! You are probably the one in your social group that politely corrects everyone as they destroy proper grammar andspelling, and we respect that! (We know you are probably correcting our grammar right now.) Someone has to maintain order, right? You are a Grammar Hero! Now, share this quiz with your friends and family and let’s see if they can pass the test!


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Are you the kind of person who has to be word perfect?

Or, are you sloppy with spelling and grammar?

This quiz will put the grammar nerds to the test and help those who need to brush up. Take this test to see how you fare!

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