πŸ‘±πŸΌ How Manly Are You?

You got: 25% Manly!

You're not very manly, having adapted just certain aspects of masculinity. That's not a bad thing at all! It's good to showcase your sensitive side, but people may think that you can't be emotionally stable. So try to find the balance!


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  1. RookieHumaneatgrape has played over 5 quizzes
    Humaneatgrape 4 weeks ago
  2. πŸ… Ranked #80RJLupinFan_1 is 80th on the leaderboard for most unique plays in the last 30 days
    LegendaryRJLupinFan_1 is the legendary commenter!
    Elite PlayerRJLupinFan_1 has played over 500 quizzes
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    RJLupinFan_1 2 months ago
    • πŸ… Ranked #65Kseniya Zhuk is 65th on the leaderboard for most unique plays in the last 30 days
      Super FanKseniya Zhuk is the comment superstar!
      IntermediateKseniya Zhuk has played over 50 quizzes
      5Kseniya Zhuk is on a 5-day streak!
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      3 days ago
      • πŸ… Ranked #80RJLupinFan_1 is 80th on the leaderboard for most unique plays in the last 30 days
        LegendaryRJLupinFan_1 is the legendary commenter!
        Elite PlayerRJLupinFan_1 has played over 500 quizzes
        8RJLupinFan_1 is on a 8-day streak!
        RJLupinFan_1 3 days ago
        • πŸ… Ranked #65Kseniya Zhuk is 65th on the leaderboard for most unique plays in the last 30 days
          Super FanKseniya Zhuk is the comment superstar!
          IntermediateKseniya Zhuk has played over 50 quizzes
          5Kseniya Zhuk is on a 5-day streak!
          Kseniya Zhuk
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          3 days ago
  3. C
    C 2 months ago
  4. A
    ALEXANDRA 4 months ago
  5. πŸ… Ranked #59vienna is 59th on the leaderboard for most unique plays in the last 30 days
    πŸ† 151st in Triviavienna is the 151st top scorer over the last 30 days
    Super Fanvienna is the comment superstar!
    Elite Playervienna has played over 500 quizzes
    4vienna is on a 4-day streak!
    vienna's pet
    5 months ago
  6. U
    Ultimate Player 9 months ago

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Are you a tough lumberjack or do you let your sensitivity shine through? Your mannerisms, beliefs and life choices can reveal how much manliness you possess.

Answer the following questions accurately and we'll let you know exactly how manly you are!

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