🍟 We Know How Old You Are Based on Your Taste in French Fries

You got: 45 to 49 Years Old!

6% of players got this result!

We know that you are between the ages of 45 and 49 years old!


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French fries have become an icon of western comfort food. What is fast food without a side of fries? Despite what its name suggests, French fries are actually not a French creation!

In fact, the first country in Europe to discover potatoes was Spain. In 1537, a Spanish explorer encountered the vegetable in Colombia. 20 years later, the potatoes were brought back to Spain and Italy. In the late-1600s, potatoes were cooked by Belgian villagers in the same way they prepared fish - slicing and frying them. This is the earliest interpretation of what we now know as French fries. American soldiers stationed in Belgium during World War I were the first of their country to have a taste of the dish. Since Belgian soldiers spoke in French, they chose to nickname it as French fries and the name stuck.

In this quiz, we will ask you several questions to analyze your taste in French fries. That will help us guess your age accurately! Don't believe we can? Try it out for yourself.

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